You will either step forward into growth or you will step back into safety........

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Day 37 Heart Surgery a little later

Shane is out of surgery and doing well. The surgery went well and there was less damage than the doctor expected. Shane now has a new heart valve. There was an infection in the heart valve as suspected but it appears that the antibiotics killed it. We will need to wait for the lab test to see if there is any live bacteria on the tissues that were removed. Shane is awake and talking he is doing his own suctioning and the heart on his chest is to hold firmly against his chest when he coughs, it supposed to make it hurt less. To everyone we thank you for your love and support it means the world to our family.

Day 37 Heart Surgery

It is 6am and Shane has been taken back for surgery. He is in a good mood and optimistic that everything will go well. I will post later today as things progress. Please continue to pray for him.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 35 in the hospital

Today Shane is having some more test on this heart. The heart surgeon has decided to move the surgery up to Wednesday, April 21. I haven't had a chance to talk to the doctor so I don't know why its been moved up. However we are grateful that it has been moved that way he can get the surgery over with and start on the road to recovery. To all our friends and family who are supporting us and doing the things that they do best to help us through this we love and appreciate you, we could not have made it without you.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 32

Good news, we meet with the heart surgeon last night and he has decided that he will go ahead with heart surgery on the April, 27. Shane is currently doing better and getting stronger everyday, I think that he has walked all over the hospital and could easily give anyone directions. He is grateful for the warm weather and looks for any opportunity to get outside and be in the sun. We thank all of you for your love and support.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 27

Good news, finally! Shanes brain is healing well he had a CT with contrast tonight of his brain and the nerosurgeon told him that he was done treating him, he was giving the go ahead on heart surgery. We still don't know when the heart surgery will be we are now waiting on the heart surgeon to decide when he feels Shane is ready for surgery

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter (and Day 19)

Happy Easter to all our friends and family, we are so greatful for your love and support. Shane is doing great, he is eating lots and getting up and doing more. He still has a team of speacailst working on his case and doing everything they can to get him well we are so greatful for thier expertise. He is still in the hospital and ezpected to be there at least another 4 weeks most likly longer. Heart surgery is going to be in about 10 days, I will keep everybody posted on how that progress.